Climate Change Risk and Cost Diagnosis
for Asset Managers & Healthcare Providers
Project DescriptionTwo year-long feasibility studies carried out over three years co-funded by InnovateUK and the Natural Environment Research Council, the aim of which were to develop and test a pioneering service model that would enable organisations to understand, quantify and internalise their unique risks from extreme weather and a changing climate.
Teamdb+a originated the proposals, pulled together the team, and coordinated project delivery. The first project was led by the Global Climate Adaptation Partnership (GCAP) and the second by db+a. Our main 'end user' partners were: social housing provider, Aster Group, who manage 27,000 properties across the south of England; and Bristol Health Partners, a city-region partnership of the hospitals, clinical commissioning groups and local authority. Our academic partners were University of Bath (economics), Manchester (GIS) and Bristol (systems engineering).
"This research opens the door to discussions at strategic level about how we can collaborate proactively to address this public health issue."
- Paula Clarke, Head of Strategy and Transformation, University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust |
Main OutputsApril 2014 - October 2017
PartnersFunders |