Research > Waste | Food-Energy-Water Systems > Urban Living Labs
The aim of the WASTE FEW ULL project (2018 - 2021) was to develop and test internationally applicable methods of identifying inefficiencies in a city-region’s food-energy-water nexus.
We undertook this through the development of an international network of industry/civic society-led Urban Living Labs (ULL) in four urban regions:
Partners in Norway and the USA will provided macro-economic valuation of potential impact, and impact-led public education, outreach and dissemination. The project was an initiative of the Sustainable Urban Governance Initiative (SUGI), an international network of funders convened by the Belmont Forum and JPI Urban Europe. The SUGI WASTE FEW ULL poster can be found here, with the Catalogue of all the projects funded. |
WASTE 'FEW ULL' is pronounced 'fuel' (/ˈfjuː.əl/) and intended to indicate the value of waste as a resource.
- JPI Urban Europe Blog: 'Modelling approaches give new insight'
- Parsa, A., Van De Wiel, M., Schmutz, U., Fried, J., Black, D., & Roderick, I. (2023). Challenging the food waste hierarchy. Journal of Environmental Management, 344, 118554.
- Winter, K., Paytan, A., Charlesworth, S., & Fried, J. (2023). Solutions to waste management in informal settlements in South Africa. Open Access Government, 37(1), 464-465.
- Mukhtar-Landgren, D., Kronsell, A., Voytenko Palgan, Y., & von Wirth, T. (2019). Municipalities as enablers in urban experimentation. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 21(6), 718-733.
- Paytan, A. (2022). Searching for inefficiencies in the food–energy–water nexus. Research Features, (139).
- Black, D., Charlesworth, S., Dal Poz, M. E., Francisco, E. C., Paytan, A., Roderick, I., ... & Winter, K. (2023). Comparing Societal Impact Planning and Evaluation Approaches across Four Urban Living Labs (in Food-Energy-Water Systems). Sustainability, 15(6), 5387.
- Parsa, A., Van De Wiel, M. J., & Schmutz, U. (2021). Intersection, interrelation or interdependence? The relationship between circular economy and nexus approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 127794.
- Greer, R., von Wirth, T., & Loorbach, D. (2021). The Waste-Resource Paradox: Practical dilemmas and societal implications in the transition to a circular economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 303, 126831.
- Greer, R., von Wirth, T., & Loorbach, D. (2020). The diffusion of circular services: Transforming the Dutch catering sector. Journal of Cleaner Production, 267, 121906.
- Loorbach, D., Wittmayer, J., Avelino, F., von Wirth, T., & Frantzeskaki, N. (2020). Transformative innovation and translocal diffusion. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions.
- Wei, T., Black, D., Greer, R., Von Wirth, T., Schmutz, U., Fried, J. (2020). Estimating income effect of food waste reduction at the food-energy-water nexus. DNC 2020.
- Parsa, A., Van De Wiel, M. J., & Schmutz, U. (2021). Intersection, interrelation or interdependence? The relationship between circular economy and nexus approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 127794.
- Fried, J., & Paytan, A. (2022). Sustainable urban systems and just FEW nexus transitions. Open Access Government, ISSN 2516-3817.
- Black, D., Roderick, I., Paytan, A., Charlesworth, S., & Carey, J. (2023). Zero food waste city 2049: Identifying barriers to transition pathways. Open Access Government, 490-491.
- Dal Poz, M. E., Francisco, E. C., Paytan, A., Von Wirth, T., Charlesworth, S., & Fried, J. (2023). Urban living laboratories: Opportunities for modelling sustainability transitions. Open Access Government.
- Greer, R., von Wirth, T., & Loorbach, D. (2021). The Waste-Resource Paradox: Practical dilemmas and societal implications in the transition to a circular economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 303, 126831. [IMAGE]
- Greer, R., von Wirth, T., & Loorbach, D. (2020). The diffusion of circular services: Transforming the Dutch catering sector. Journal of Cleaner Production, 121906.
- Parsa, A., Van De Wiel, M. J., & Schmutz, U. (2021). Intersection, interrelation or interdependence? The relationship between circular economy and nexus approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 127794.
- Greer, R., von Wirth, T., & Loorbach, D. (2021). The Waste-Resource Paradox: Practical dilemmas and societal implications in the transition to a circular economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 303, 126831.
- Greer, R., von Wirth, T., & Loorbach, D. (2020). The diffusion of circular services: Transforming the Dutch catering sector. Journal of Cleaner Production, 267, 121906.
- Charlesworth, S. (2019) Survey of key performance indicators, Rotterdam International Meeting, 25-27 September 2019
- Rocha, L. A., Dal Poz, M. E. S., Lima, P. V., Khan, A. S., & Silva, N. G. (2019). Corruption, bureaucracy and other institutional failures: the “cancer” of innovation and development''. Economics Bulletin, 39(3), 1740-1754.
“Critiquing Commodification in Environmental Governance: Examples of Urban Waste Governance in Cape Town, Rotterdam, and Bristol”
Matt Johnston, University of Coventry, 2023
Matt Johnston, University of Coventry, 2023
Conference Presentations
- Parsa, A., Van De Wiel, M. J., & Schmutz, U. (2021). Intersection, interrelation or interdependence? The relationship between circular economy and nexus approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 127794.
- Greer, R., von Wirth, T., & Loorbach, D. (2021). The Waste-Resource Paradox: Practical dilemmas and societal implications in the transition to a circular economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 303, 126831.
- Greer, R., von Wirth, T., & Loorbach, D. (2020). The diffusion of circular services: Transforming the Dutch catering sector. Journal of Cleaner Production, 267, 121906.
- Charlesworth, S. (2019) Survey of key performance indicators, Rotterdam International Meeting, 25-27 September 2019
- Rocha, L. A., Dal Poz, M. E. S., Lima, P. V., Khan, A. S., & Silva, N. G. (2019). Corruption, bureaucracy and other institutional failures: the “cancer” of innovation and development''. Economics Bulletin, 39(3), 1740-1754.
- Communities and the circular economy in Coventry in March 2022 - more information here
- Transformation towards circular systems in Coventry in March 2022 - more information here
- Kick-off meeting for the Bristol ULL in Avonmouth in August 2018 - more information here
- First full meeting, Bristol, UK, October 11th & 12th 2018 - more information here
- Parsa, A., Van De Wiel, M., Schmutz, U. (2022) System dynamics modelling of food-energy-water-climate nexus in urban circular economies
- Nunes, R., Jaunary 16-March 31 (2022) The Application of WEF in different parts of the workd: case studies that illustrate the interconnectedness of WEF in theory and practice (1/2)
- Winter, K. (2022) The Water Hub in Franschhoek South Africa
- Dal Poz, E. (2022) The application of WEF in different parts of world: case studies that illustrate the interconnectedness of WEF in theory and practice (2/2)
- Black, D., Eaton, E., Wei, T. March 22-23 (2022) Developing valuation approaches to help identify and reduce inefficiencies in Bristol's FEW systems
- Eaton, E. March 6th (2022), What are the benefits of reducing food waste?
- Scientific research essential for supporting ground-up nature-based systems: the Water Hub, South Africa (2021) Powerpoint
- WastefewULL project overview presentation SRI conference (2021) Powerpoint
- Project Impact Report, January (2021) Powerpoint
- Plastics webinar June 4th (2020) Powerpoint
- Charlesworh, S. (2019) Objectives and Outcomes, Rotterdam International Meeting, 25-27 September 2019
- van de Wiel, M. (2019) Systems mapping of the FEW nexus, Second International Conference of the Waste FEW ULL project, 26-27 September, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
- Paytan, A. (2019) WP7- Communication, Education and Outreach, Second International Conference of the Waste FEW ULL project, 26-27 September, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
- Roderick, I. (2019) Bristol ULL System Mapping, Second International Conference of the Waste FEW ULL project, 26-27 September, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
- Wei, T. (2019) Marcoeconomic valuation: Food waste in the FEW nexus of the UK, Second International Conference of the Waste FEW ULL project, 26-27 September, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
- Wei, T. (2018) Macroeconomic benefits: Food waste in the FEW nexus of the Bristol ULL, First International Conference of the Waste FEW ULL project, 12 October, Bath, UK
- Charlesworth, S. (2018) Project outline, First International Conference of the Waste FEW ULL project, 12 October, Bath, UK.
- Wei, T. (2018) Making innovative ULL technologies economically feasible and sustainable, First International Conference of the Waste FEW ULL project, 12 October, Bath, UK.
- Black, D. (2018) Pathways to Impact, First International Conference of the Waste FEW ULL project, 12 October, Bath, UK.
Bristol Urban Living Lab for the reduction of waste in the FEW Nexus, First International Conference of the Waste FEW ULL project, 12 October, Bath, UK. - Paytan, A. (2018) Knowledge Exchange, First International Conference of the Waste FEW ULL project, 12 October, Bath, UK.
- Dal Poz, E. (2018) São Paulo Urban Living Lab Brazil, First International Conference of the Waste FEW ULL project, 12 October, Bath, UK.
- Greer, R. and von Wirth, T. (2018) WASTE FEW ULL – Netherlands, First International Conference of the Waste FEW ULL project, 12 October, Bath, UK, .
- de Kok, J.L. (2018) Coastal collaborative land-sea integration platform, First International Conference of the Waste FEW ULL project, 12 October, Bath, UK.
WasteFEW ULL Project description Poster
Phosphorus Recycling webinar by Iris Zohar Slides Video - Ester Dal-Poz (University of Campinas, Brazil), Carolina da Silveira Bueno (University of Campinas, Brazil), Marcos Rehder Batista (University of Campinas, Brazil), Camila Neubart Favero (University of Campinas, Brazil), Erika Cristina Francisco (University of Campinas, Brazil) & Alessandro Piolli (University of Campinas, Brazil), "The institutions for institutional transitions" World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research Conference, September 19-22th 2019, Lund, Sweden.
- Greer, R., Wirth, T., and Loorbach (2019) Drivers and barriers for institutionalizing emergent cross-sectoral symbioses at the
food-energy-water nexus, 10TH International Conference on Industrial Ecology, July 7th-11th 2019, Tsinghua University,
Bejing, China.