TSB/NERC Solving Business Problems with Environmental Data: £100,000 feasibility study to test a next generation Adaptation Planning Package for UK businesses. Work on this is ongoing. Read more…
Plymouth Urban Fringe DPD: large research and spatial planning policy project with Plymouth City Council, South Hams District Council and Devon County Council
TCPA Eco-towns Transport Worksheet: contributing editor
Strategic Review of BREEAM Communities: BRE Global's environmental assessment methodology for large-scale development.
PRISMAPPRAISAL: large stakeholder engagement and sustainability/health appraisal of masterplan SPD for urban extension in Bristol’s 'North Fringe' (5,700 new homes, 50ha employment land)
Taunton Public Realm and Retail Impact Assessment: retail research and public realm appraisal of County Town’s main shopping area
St Austell Eco-Town, Cornwall Council-BRE Partnership: supply chain and skills research projects, part of 3-year technical support programme assisting CC in the development of a low carbon economy around the St Austell Eco-town
Low impact materials info papers and case studies: Peer-reviewed Information Papers and Case Studies on hemp-lime, straw bale, natural fibre insulation, unfired clay brick and cross-laminated timber. Published through IHS BRE Press with University of Bath: freely available here
Design for Future Climate (D4FC): 1-year Technology Strategy Board research project testing adaptation measures available to 270,000 sq ft FTSE 100 office tower, Cardiff, against projected climate impacts
DIY Streets: 3-year street design and community involvement programme in 11 deprived communities partnering 10 local authorities in England & Wales