Twelve years ago I was introduced by the New Economics Foundation (NEF) to the term ‘externality’, which refers to costs that economists don’t factor in to the global standard, Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The example NEF gave was that of a doctor treating someone who is obese: specifically, that we count the doctor’s salary as a benefit, but we don’t count obesity as a cost. Over the last few years I have been compiling a growing list, which I set out below with references to their source. If anyone else has any others, I’d be very glad to hear of them. Perhaps I/we could create an open access Wikipedia page so that people can upload any costs they are aware of with an automatic counter to show total costs. Please note that, while they are to my knowledge correct, they have not been ‘officially’ verified. I would welcome any further evidence either for or against. [1] Chief Medical Officer (2004) At least five a week: evidence on the impact of physical activity and its relationship to health. Department of Health.
[2] GOV.UK (2013) Helping more people survive cancer. UK Government webpage. Available from: [3] DEFRA/EA (2010) Delivering benefits through evidence. Bristol, EA. Available from: [4] Ibid. [5] Association of British Insurers (2013) Massive rise in Britain’s flood damage bill highlights the need for more help for flood vulnerable communities says the ABI. Webpage. Available from: [6] National Audit Office (2009) The health of livestock and honeybees in England. DEFRA, London. Available from: [7] National Audit Office (2009) The health of livestock and honeybees in England. DEFRA, London. Available from: [8] Natural England (2009) No Charge? Valuing the natural environment. Available from: [9] Natural England (2009) No Charge? Valuing the natural environment. Available from: [10] DEFRA (2012) Summary of the Key Findings from the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2012; UK Climate Change Risk Assessment. London. Comments are closed.